St. George's Girls School is 125 years old!

The school and the SGGS Alumni are co-organising a 125th Anniversary dinner on

10 October 2010
at Bayview Beach Resort, Batu Feringgi, Penang.

Areca Books will be publishing a limited-edition 125th Anniversary Souvenir Album. If you, your mother or grandma are SGGS alumni, and you have any old photos from your schooldays, please contribute to this Souvenir Album!

Please share your photos, stories and memories with us at:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

'Your greatest memory of SGGS'

What is your greatest memory from your schooldays? A memory that encapsulates your special experiences, recollections and impressions of your days at St George's.

Send your quotes to the editor and the best quotes will be included in the beautiful limited-edition, hardcover St George's Girls' School 125th Anniversary celebrations commemorative book, which will be published by Areca Books  in September 2010.

NEW: The most imaginative quote will WIN a copy of the commemorative book! Send in your entries now!

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